You guys, I just found the perfect pair of
shoes. Gorgeous, and cheap - can it get better? I have actually wanted these for a while, and when I found them in store today, I bought them right away!
These are actually my first pair of high heels, so I will probably walk with them at home this weekend, just so that I'll learn how to walk in them - without falling.
Hi sweetheart!
Wow, the heels are very cute! They're having an open-toe and -back and a lace-up-effect! Veeeeery nice, good purchase!!
You wear them very well to your grey tights and jeans shorts!
In this year I could purchase shoes, shoes, shoes. It's incredible!
Have a nice weekend, a great time at shopping with more fab finds!!
xoxo, Sofie
Hi sweetheart Emma!
Thanks for your comment!
Yeah, I know what you're talking about exactly. The most stuff isn't for everyday wear here as well ;) So the items are sitting in my closet waiting for the right event to come... I've worn booties with high heels to school as well - but in the last year before school time was over... :-D
Hope the sun is shining for you today!!
xoxo, sofie
Hejjsan snygging!
Tack så mycket för kommentaren (:!
Om inte du skulle köpt dessa skor så skulle jag också kunna ha dem :D
Sjukt snygga! Puss<3
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